The team at the New England Center for Hair Restoration believes in developing the right solution for each patient. Proper customization of a surgery can be an involved process, which is why we are proud to have many of the most advanced technologies and techniques at our disposal. This sets us apart as one of the leading hair loss treatment centers in the Boston area.

We have received a few questions from patients regarding densely packing hair follicles together as part of a restoration procedure. Let’s take a moment to consider what this practice entails and what benefits it may have for you.

What Is Dense Packing?

Dense packing refers to the use of more follicular units or grafts than usual during a hair transplant surgery. The use of more grafts can increase the density of hair along the hairline, improving a person’s appearance and creating a fuller and more natural appearance. Not everyone will benefit from a dense packing hair restoration procedure, but a number of patients may find it more ideal for their needs.

Ideal Candidates for Dense Packing Techniques

Good candidates for dense packing hair transplant surgery are people who have unique issues with hair loss, hair thinning, or hair type that would not be addressed sufficiently through a traditional hair restoration procedure. They should be in good enough health to tolerate a hair restoration surgery and not suffer from conditions that would result in major scarring along the scalp and other complications.

Better Appearance for People with Different Kinds of Hair

If you have thin hair or fair hair, dense packing is generally an excellent option to consider. People with thin hair and/or lighter hair may have issues with achieving a natural-looking density from traditional hair transplantation. Dense packing helps achieve an ideal density.

This is also the case for people of darker complexion who have thin hair or light-colored hair. Densely packing hair follicles along the bald or thinning area can lead to better-looking overall results.

Greater Customization of Hair Restoration Surgery

Dense packing hair transplants allow for even better customization of a hair restoration procedure. We can carefully tailor and design a procedure to the patient’s needs. This doesn’t just mean addressing hair thickness and color but also how to properly distribute the hair along the scalp to create the best look possible. Our goal is always natural results, and there are many ways this can be achieved. Dense packing is yet another tool we have to make this goal a reality.

Is Dense Packing the Right Option for Me?

The best way to find out if dense packing hair transplantation is right for you is to schedule a consultation at our practice. During your visit, we will carefully consider your case and develop a custom treatment plan that meets your needs.

Even if dense packing is not ideal, we can discuss the shape of your hairline, the type of surgery to perform, and other factors that can help you achieve your hair restoration goals.

Speak with Our Hair Restoration Experts

For more information about your hair restoration options and which ones may be most ideal for you and your needs, be sure to contact our team of hair restoration experts today. The team at the New England Center for Hair Restoration is here to help you have a healthy and full head of hair.